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Webhooks for privacy requests

Configure Privacy Request Webhooks

What is a Privacy Request webhook?

An webhook is an HTTPS callback that you've defined on an execution policy to call an external REST API endpoint either before or after a privacy request executes.

Webhooks can be one_way, where the API is pinged and the privacy request continues, or two_way, where Fides will wait for a response. Any derived values returned from a two_way webhook will be saved, and can be used to locate other user information. For example, a webhook might take a known email identity and use that to find a phone_number derived_identity.


The process below will define an https Connection that contains the details to make a request to your API endpoint, and then create a PolicyPreWebhook or a PolicyPostWebhookfor a specific execution policy using that Connection.

Create an HTTPS Connection

The information that describes how to connect to your API endpoint is represented by a Fides Connection.

PATCH /v1/connection
      "name": "My Webhook Connection Configuration",
      "key": "test_webhook_connection_config",
      "connection_type": "https",
      "access": "read"

Add your Connection secrets

The credentials needed to access your API endpoint are defined by making a PUT to the Connection Secrets endpoint. These credentials are encrypted in the Fides app database.

PUT /v1/connection/test_webhook_connection_config
        "url": "",
        "authorization": "test_authorization"

Fides will use your authorization value to construct the Authorization header to call your API endpoint, for example Authorization: test_authorization.

You can also prefix your auth value with Basic, Bearer, or another auth scheme.

The below secrets will result in Fides using a Authorization: Bearer mysecrettoken header:

PUT /v1/connection/test_webhook_connection_config
        "url": "",
        "authorization": "Bearer mysecrettoken"

Define pre-execution or post-execution webhooks

After you've defined a new Connection, you can create lists of webhooks to run before (PolicyPreWebhooks) or after (PolicyPostWebhooks) a privacy request is executed.

When defining webhooks, they should be included in the request body in the desired order. Any webhooks on the execution policy not included in the request will be removed from the policy.

To update a list of PolicyPreWebhooks:

PUT /policy/{policy_key}/webhook/pre_execution
        "connection_config_key": "test_webhook_connection_config",
        "direction": "one_way",
        "key": "wake_up_snowflake_db",
        "name": "Wake up Snowflake DB Webhook"
        "connection_config_key": "test_webhook_connection_config",
        "direction": "two_way",
        "key": "prep_systems_webhook",
        "name": "Prep Systems Webhook"

This creates two webhooks that are run sequentially for the execution policy before a privacy request runs.

Similarly, to update your list of post-execution webhooks on a policy, use the following endpoint

PUT /policy/{policy_key}/webhook/post_execution

Update a single webhook

To update a single webhook, send a PATCH request to update selected attributes. Updates to order can likewise update the order of related webhooks.

The following example will update the PolicyPreWebhook with key webhook_hook to be two_way instead of one_way, and will update its order from 0 to 1. Because we've defined two PolicyPreWebhooks, this causes the webhook at position 1 to move to position 0.

PATCH /policy/{policy_key}/webhook/pre-execution/wake_up_snowflake_db
    "direction": "two_way",
    "order": 1

Because this PATCH request updated the order of other webhooks, a reordered summary is included under the new_order attribute:

    "resource": {
        "direction": "two_way",
        "key": "wake_up_snowflake_db",
        "name": "Wake up Snowflake DB Webhook",
        "connection_config": "<TRUNCATED>",
        "order": 1
    "new_order": [
            "key": "prep_systems_webhook",
            "order": 0
            "key": "wake_up_snowflake_db",
            "order": 1

Similarly, to update your a post-execution webhook on an execution policy, use the following endpoint:

PATCH /policy/{policy_key}/webhook/post_execution/{post_execution_key}

Webhook request format

Before and after running access or erasure requests, Fides will send requests to any configured webhooks in sequential order with the following request body:

POST {user-defined URL}
  "privacy_request_id": "pri_029832ba-3b84-40f7-8946-82aec6f95448",
  "direction": "one_way | two_way",
  "callback_type": "pre | post",
  "identity": {
    "email": "",
    "phone_number": "555-5555"

These attributes were configured at the time of webhook creation. Known identities are also embedded in the request.

For two-way webhooks, Fides includes specific headers to pause request execution while any additional processing takes place

  "reply-to": "/privacy-request/{privacy_request_id}/resume",
  "reply-to-token": "<jwe_token>"

To resume, send a request to the reply-to URL with the reply-to-token. The reply-to-token will expire when your Redis cache expires represented by default_ttl_seconds in your Fides configuration. Read how to set Fides configuration variables here.

When a request expires, it is be given an error status, and requires resubmission.

Webhook response format

Your webhook should respond immediately. If more processing time is needed, either make sure it is configured as a one-way webhook, or reply with halt=True if you want to pause execution and wait for any processing to finish. Note that only pre-execution webhooks can pause execution.

Responses aren ot expected from one-way webhooks, but two-way webhooks should respond with the following

  "derived_identity": {
    "email": "",
    "phone_number": "555-5555"
  "halt": "true | false"

Derived identity is optional: a returned email or phone number will replace currently known emails or phone numbers.

Resuming request execution

Once a paused webhook has completed processing, send a request to the reply-to URL sent in the original request header, along with the reply-to-token auth token.

POST privacy_request/{privacy-request-id}/resume
  "derived_identity": {
    "email": "",
    "phone_number": "555-5555"

If there are no derived identities, send an empty {} request body.

The reply-to-token is a JWE containing the current webhook ID, scopes to access the callback endpoint, and the datetime the token is issued.Fides unpacks this and resumes the privacy request execution after the specified webhook.

The reply-to-token expires after a set amount of time, the privacy_request_delay_timeout in your Fides configuration. Read how to set Fides configuration variables here.

Once the Redis cache expires, Fides no longer has the original identity data and the privacy request should be resubmitted.